About Gee

Gee is a married mother of three boys with a lifelong love and passion for cooking. After her career in marketing in London she moved with her husband and first child to Hampshire where cooking became ever more important as a mother of three hungry boys.
Gee believes that cooking should be fun and after years of friends begging for recipes, praise of her cooking, filling friend’s freezers, catering for small parties and cooking for house parties Gee decided to turn her hand to demonstrations.
She now runs successful demonstrations from her home in Hampshire and in different venues across the Home Counties and London. She also runs private demonstrations for groups on request nationwide and can offer one to one tutorials.
In her spare time Gee loves being outside with her boys, going to their house in Cornwall, walking her dogs, pottering about in her vegetable garden or looking after her 20 chickens. She can also regularly be found on the Racecourse where she is a raceday steward.